A Complexity of Green
By: Attorney Katherine S. Breckenridge, Esq.
Published August 1, 2017
Estate Planning : Legacy
His shoulders droop now more than before.
Perhaps from the weight of decision and
Concern borne by the provider one.
My guess is that the shoulders of this proud,
Yet humble man, feel the gravity of
A time gone by and a time yet to arrive –
That time that remains before the threshold.
You see – the knowledge he has is at its height.
He knows that he has provided well for others.
He can find assurance that he supplied his children
With tools for their toolboxes.
He has been a faithful and loving husband,
Setting an example where none had been.
For the brick and mortar, his dollars did supply.
The educational credits were his subsidy, too.
The first set of wheels –whether bike or car –
I am sure a toy he preferred.
The dinner table counsel carried into night to
Shape the childhood foundations of
Faith without excuse.
No greater gift could have been given to set us
On our course.
The walk down the aisle
Was to know the roots of another generation.
The attendance of little league baseball games and cross
Country meets is long gone.
The square dancing – a pursuit for those with
Younger knees.
He has been witness to wars, economic recessions, and
A merry-go-round of political figureheads.
Like many who hold such vast experience
And commonsense, could have influenced our
Great nation if given but a chance.
With slowing movements, a motorboat he may drive –
Like the pilot I still envision,
If just to see his grandson fly on water.
The time between now and then – oh, what say you?
Why is this not of dignity? A worry-free composition?
This man who gave all, who planned ahead. Yes, a trust,
A will, and protective documents . . .
Shall our government be so crass as to tax beyond its
Seams, so that man may lose his history
To some complexity of green?
I tell you, the legacy that matters
He will leave to all intact
So that we may continue the tradition of
A compass unfaltering.
This changes not the provider’s hard earned green that he
Intended for his bride.
With wisdom already imparted, he has paid his fare.
Take back your cruel imbalances of taxing everywhere.
Hands off I say – this is their golden years.
We have within our borders the smartest minds I know.
Match them with those who comprehend the challenges
Of old.
May we, with him, hold our shoulders back when we
Design a system that guards the threshold with
A fearlessness – protecting the now to then.